Men's Ministry

Tyler's Band of Brothers
About Us
About Us

We want men to be transformed by the Life of Christ living in them and through them. We believe that the influence of faithful men will also benefit the women and children in our lives. Such transformation and changed lives also give children examples to follow and hearts that are well-handled.

Through bootcamps, weekly groups and trainings, we are seeing tremendous life change and positive outcomes! Come plug into the movement!


  • Men’s Lunch – 1st Thursday of every month we gather in a local restaurant for a dutch lunch and fellowship
  • Annual Car Show – Over 1,000 people come to the largest FREE Car Show in Smith County and experience the love of Christ
  • Bi-Annual Bootcamps – geared to challenge what the culture says about being a man
  • Men’s Nights at Colonial Hills – food, session, dodgeball and occasional UFC – where you become a Band of Brothers
  • Weekly SPAR Groups – meet for discussion, Godly counsel and accountability
  • Community Service Projects – occasional trips, projects, and meetings to meet the needs of the Kingdom

Learn more about Tyler's Band of Brothers

Get in Touch

If you have questions or want to get connected, give us a call anytime!
Johnny Burchfield - (903) 245-1543
Sam Davis - (903) 920-5532

Or use this form and we will get in touch with you soon

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